Sunday, April 12, 2015

God Makes the Seed Grow

This year I am determined to have my own gourd farm. That's right, gourds. I want the kind you can make birdhouses with. I looked everywhere in south Mississippi & half of Alabama last year trying to find some and til this day I am gourd-less! I started researching on how to grow them. It said it could take 1-8 WEEKS to germinate! I knew I had to get started! I bought a packet of seeds off the internet and bought a seed starting tray. “Hannah's Gourd Farm”. Catchy, right?!

I was so excited! They arrived and I planted them right away making the perfect little hole, tucking it in the dirt all gentle, adding the right amount of water. I had them sitting under the porch to make sure it had the exact amount of sunlight, not too much but not too little. Every morning I ran outside expecting to see my little green babies sprouting up out of the dirt.

Nothing. Zilch.

Feeling defeated, I asked farmer hubby to help. I got another packet of gourds and gave them to him & asked him to, “work his magic”. He takes them and goes to the dryest looking row in his garden. Dry due to the amount sun that hits that spot. That row is where he puts things that he says, “they make it if they make it”. Grrrrr. He lobs them in the ground in uneven amount of space apart. He then takes the aggressive hoe and smacks some dirt on top. I run to grab the water hose to sprinkle some life into that grungy dirt to give my gourd babies a fighting chance & he tells me to “just let the rain take care of it”. Uh, what? The next two weeks when hubby was away at work, I watered. Again, nothing. 

 I gave up.

A few days ago I went out to the garden to fill my watering can. Low & behold there was a sprout!!! Not only ONE baby gourd, but SIX!

Now, my husband & I joke about who is responsible for the awesome cultivating skills. I kindly shared this verse with him. ;-)

"I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow." 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

I often think back on some of my seeds where I struggled waiting for them to sprout.  I struggled to see the growth underlying in the hardened life-less soil.  It is absolutely amazing.  I am so thankful for God's timing and mercy.


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