Sunday, February 14, 2016

Homemade Zesty Garlic Dill Pickles

Homemade Zesty Garlic Dill Pickles

So my blogging came to a halt a year ago when I found out I was preggers!  I was wondering why I was craving pickles like CrAzY! 
Now's the time to start planning that summer garden!  Last year we tried the store bought packet and although they were good, there wasn't anything special about them.  After five batches of trial & error I have mastered the perfect mouth waterin', crispy crunchy zesty garlic dill pickles.

This recipe made 7 quarts full of spears

8 cups White Distilled 5% vinegar
7 cups water
3/4 cup Canning Salt
2-3 Garlic slivers per jar (if you don't LOVE garlic use 1-2)
1 red chili per jar (top stem part cut off)
3/4 tsp Crispy granules per jar
1/4 tsp Ground Turmeric per jar (Bye-Bye arthritis!)
1 Tbs Crushed Red Pepper to Water/Vinegar mixture
1 washed Muscadine leaf per jar
1 Dill head per jar

1. Cut ends of cucumbers off (this will add to the crispiness) & cut into spears & place into sterile jars.  I do this first so I know how to ratio my vinegar mixture.

 2. Place garlic slivers, chili pepper, dill head, muscadine leaf, turmeric, & crispy granules into each jar.

3. Bring vinegar, water, salt & crushed red pepper to a boil.  Ladle hot liquid into jars leaving 1/2 inch at the top.  Place lids on tight.

4. Bring water in large canning pot to boil first.  Once it is rolling, place jars in for 10 minutes. Water should cover the tops of the jars. Take out and place on cooling rack over night covered in dishtowels.

Discretion: These are for the serious pickle lover, as they are STOUT!
